Connect with a founder working on the sector or topic that interests you
Develop your leadership and coaching skills as you learn more about innovation and entrepreneurship
Guide brave entrepreneurs who are tackling the toughest societal challenges and generating new job opportunities
Think of all those mentors in your life and become that to someone who needs it
Follow our dotted line and cover one topic every week with our step-by-step incubation methodology.
Connect and mentor from wherever you are and pick a time that suits you both with our fully online program.
Our Incubation Managers we’ll be there sharing resources and tips for a great mentoring experience.
As Visa Foundations seeks to support inclusive economies where individuals, businesses and communities can thrive, we decided to partner up with Bridge for Billions, the largest network of entrepreneurship programs with the mission to democratize access to entrepreneurship support. Together Visa and Bridge for Billions provide resources and guidance to entrepreneurs from vulnerable groups as they develop and grow their micro and small businesses in order to create new decent job opportunities for themselves and those around them while launching solutions to the problems that truly matter.